Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hooked on war

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letters: News in letters published 30/01/2010
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The Daily Star is pleased to provide a forum for debate on a range of subjects, from local cultural activities to international politics.
Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of letters fall into the editor’s mailbox daily. In order to keep the letters timely, The Daily Star generally produces a special letters section. When the influx of letters is particularly large, extra space is made available accordingly.
If you would like to submit a letter for publication, please remember to include your full name (first and last) and address, including city. The Daily Star typically only publishes letters under 400 words, and these are subject to editing. The Daily Star will not acknowledge unsolicited submissions.

Compiled by Daily Star staff
“Afghanistan allies back Taliban
reconciliation efforts”
January 26, 2010

Yes, America is hooked on war, and although
some Americans might not realize that, you can be sure that the rest of the world does, as it looks at Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places around the world where the United States has fought wars, threatened to fight wars, sent armed forces, or launched missiles in their stead.
America spends more on its military budget than most of the rest of the nations of the world combined, and yet many Americans would tell you that the United States is a peace-loving nation that only goes to war to bring about peace, and that only uses its military to keep the peace.
It’s like the novelist George Orwell said: “War is peace” to them.
More than that, though, war is profit to many US weapons makers and manufacturers, who make enormous amounts of money selling arms and material not only to the US government but to many others around the world.
War is also power and influence to the US government. With the most powerful military in the world, it can intimidate others and get its own way a lot of the time, politically, economically, or in other ways that benefit US interests and allies.
However, like many great nations and empires of the past, America has overextended herself.
Her armies have gotten bogged down abroad while her economy and infrastructure at home are crumbling. In the past, America’s answer to this sort of problem has been more war, not less.
It will be interesting to see what she does this time.

Ted Rudow III, MA
Menlo Park, United States

The International Herald Tribune and The Daily Star are available every morning in: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hooked on war

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State of the Onion

Published: Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010

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Yes, America is hooked on war, and although some Americans might not realize that, you can be sure the rest of the world does, as it looks at Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places around the world where the U.S. has fought wars, threatened to fight wars, sent armed forces, or launched missiles in their stead.

War is also power and influence to the U.S. government. With the most powerful military in the world, it can intimidate others and get its own way a lot of the time, politically, economically, or in other ways that benefit U.S. interests and allies.

However, like many great nations and empires of the past, America has overextended herself. Her armies have gotten bogged down abroad while her economy and infrastructure at home are crumbling. In the past, America's answer to this sort of problem has been more war, not less. It will be interesting to see what she does this time!
Ted Rudow III,MA


Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

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MLK Freedom Train boycott is understandable but done in poor taste

A recent brouhaha erupted in San Jose during the annual Freedom Train ride that celebrates the birthday of Dr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

According to the San Jose Mercury News, the San Jose chapter of the NAACP decided to pull its support from the event following the train organizers' acceptance of a $5,000 donation from the San Jose

Police Officers Association....

1/28/10 He had a dream and oh, what a dream it was. A dream of equality, a dream of unity, a dream of solidarity. What a fight, what a battle, as the brothers and sisters lifted their arms, hands raised and clasped together to show their strength and unity and oneness. What a fight, as we marched and protested and sang our songs of triumph and spoke our words of courage. What a fight, as we lifted high the banner of equality -- equal rights for all men and women, regardless of color. What a fight, as we suffered humiliation and setbacks, degradation and injustice.

But I ask you, has that dream been realized? Has that dream come true in your life? Has that dream been fulfilled? Or have our ideals and our aspirations fallen by the wayside? Where is the unity, the brotherhood, the oneness of heart and spirit? Where is the fighting spirit and the willingness to sacrifice and work hard, to lift up your brothers and sisters and make for them a better life? Look around you and see if his dream and your dream, our dream, has become a reality.

He now knows that this equality, this oneness of the races, this love between the brethren, this better world, this dream that we all sought so desperately, cannot be found only through the path. That this dream can only become a reality through love, the supernatural Love of God. This is what brings unity. This is what brings equality. This is what brings mutual respect. This is what makes a man willing to look past the color of the skin and see the heart and spirit, to see each man, woman and child as a creation of God.

Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Monday, January 25, 2010


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Strange Bedfellows

Published: Friday, Jan. 22, 2010

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Yesterday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can spend freely in federal elections. It's a green light for a new stampede of special interest money in our politics, giving their lobbyists even more power in Washington. Now, every candidate who fights for change could face limitless attacks from corporate special interests like health insurance companies and Wall Street banks.
The only way that the President can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court. But now is it in reverse! Supreme Court is ruling America. With no limits on their spending, big oil, Wall Street banks, and health insurance companies will try to drown out the voices of everyday Americans -- and Republicans seem ecstatic.
Ted Rudow III,MA


by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Monday Jan 25th, 2010 12:25 PM
Throughout time immemorial: the main idea being to get the mind of the public or your enemies off something you're actually doing but you don't want them to notice so you can do it with a little less observation.

But after 8 years of hell in the Bush reign, they are trying to rewrite history! The attention of America from the well-worn fact that his ruling Republican party have always been the robbers of the poor and the protectors of the rich. Furious that the courageous exposure of his criminal hypocrisy and traitorous deception of the American people, and enraged by the humiliation of his scandalous Administration being the continuous major subject of daily worldwide headlines.
Tough times can also lead to tough government actions and tyranny. It's a time of upheaval, flux and change for the world, just as the 1930s were, the Great Depression period before World War II. First came the Roaring '20s, then came the Depression '30s, and then came the years of war of the '40s. History doesn't always repeat itself, of course, but it can sometimes. Yes, all the makings for a police state are there, and not just in the U.S. or Britain, but in any number of countries.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Help Haiti


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Letter: The U.S. should have helped Haiti before
January 19, 2010,


The United States is not going to establish democracy in Haiti now any more than they did during the 19 years that they occupied the country before (from 1915-1934). Why didn’t the United States take care of the poor garbage-laden Haitians, with sewers running down the middle of their streets and the horrible poverty that existed when they occupied Haiti for 19 years? Why the hell didn’t they improve Haiti? Why didn’t they make it a better place to live? Why didn’t they put in sewers and build schools and give the Haitians everything they needed?

They claim they did, but it sure doesn’t look like it now. The poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and with only nine million people. Let’s hope it’s for the betterment of the Haitians, because right now the Haitians are in a terrible state, living in abject poverty, filth and sewage. Horrible! The United States has been the big bully of the Americas for centuries and we pray that finally it will get some relief!

Ted Rudow III,MA

Destruction of Palestine

The Daily Star

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 11:52 PM GMT+06:00

Print Friendly Version
Published On: 2010-01-20
Destruction of Palestine
Ted Rudow III,MA, Menlo Park, CA

Scenes of Israeli soldiers shooting Palestinian children throwing stones filled TV screens around the world and generated a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians, as well as more support for their cause.

The Israelis soon got the point that open violence and oppression against the Palestinians weren't getting them anywhere, especially with the cameras of the international media rolling. So they're trying another trick now, and one which has been very successful so far-the “silent death and destruction” ploy.

Every day the Israelis torment or afflict the Palestinians in little and big ways, out of sight of the camera: Houses are bulldozed, trees are ripped up, roads are blocked, Israeli settlements are expanded, Palestinian lands are confiscated, Palestinians are prevented from working or going to school, men are rounded up for questioning, “militants” are shot, and men and women are stripped, humiliated or beaten up. And these things happen in Palestinian-ruled cities and lands, at the hands of heavily armed Israeli soldiers which occupy them.

The Israelis provoke the Palestinians to violence, but they can't strike back very easily against the troops and tanks that surround their cities and patrol their roads. So Palestinians send suicide bombers inside Israel to inflict horrible destruction on Israeli civilians. That destruction is anything but silent! Scenes of Israeli suffering, carnage and death fill TV screens around the world and make the front pages of major papers.

Israel then has its justification for more open attacks on Palestinian areas to “stop the suicide bombers” and “round up the militants,” and they go further and further in their retaliation, destroying as much as they can. Naturally, since these are “military operations,” the cameras are banned. If any atrocities happen to occur, there's no proof. Palestinians are wounded or killed, their houses and cities are crushed, their government institutions are obliterated, their leaders are humiliated.

All that just perpetuates Palestinian rage and revenge attacks. But when Palestinians strike back at Israeli civilians with suicide bombings, these open attacks are used against them, both in the media and by the Israeli military, which launches devastating counterattacks where they do their dirty work secretly.

The open attacks by Palestinians produce worse counterattacks by the Israelis and more secret destruction, which produces more open attacks by the Palestinians. So the vicious cycle goes on, and it's one the Palestinians are losing, as they're being gunned down, humiliated!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


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Rex Babin Cartoons



Published: Thursday, Jan. 07, 2010

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I was told to gain a near-manical desire to win and to physically punish my opponent in a defeat!
Sports really foster the spirit of competition. It's the spirit of the world the "me first" spirit--do what's best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That's the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people--to love your neighbor as yourself. Of course, some form of sports is fine.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, January 15, 2010

“Israeli air raids on Gaza kill three Palestinians”

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letters: News in letters published 16/01/2010
Readers’ Letters and Opinions

The Daily Star is pleased to provide a forum for debate on a range of subjects, from local cultural activities to international politics.
Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of letters fall into the editor’s mailbox daily. In order to keep the letters timely, The Daily Star generally produces a special letters section. When the influx of letters is particularly large, extra space is made available accordingly.
If you would like to submit a letter for publication, please remember to include your full name (first and last) and address, including city. The Daily Star typically only publishes letters under 400 words, and these are subject to editing. The Daily Star will not acknowledge unsolicited submissions.

The Daily Star
“Israeli air raids on Gaza kill three Palestinians”
January 9, 2010

During the destruction of Palestine and the Palestinians, scenes of Israeli soldiers shooting Palestinian children throwing stones filled TV screens around the world and generated a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians, as well as more support for their cause.
The Israelis soon got the point that open violence and oppression against the Palestinians wasn’t getting them anywhere, especially with the cameras of the international media rolling. So now they’re trying another tack , and one which has been very successful so far-the silent death and destruction ploy.
Every day the Israelis torment or afflict the Palestinians in little and big ways, out of sight of the camera: Houses are bulldozed, trees are ripped up, roads are blocked, Israeli settlements are expanded,
Palestinian lands are confiscated, Palestinians are prevented from working or going to school, men are rounded up for questioning, militants are shot, and men and women are stripped, humiliated or beaten up. And these things happen in Palestinian-ruled cities and lands, at the hands of heavily armed Israeli soldiers which occupy them.
The Israelis provoke the Palestinians to violence, but they can’t strike back very easily against the troops and tanks that surround their cities and patrol their roads. So Palestinians send suicide bombers inside Israel to inflict horrible destruction on Israeli civilians. That destruction is anything but silent! Scenes of Israeli suffering, carnage and death fill TV screens around the world and make the front pages of major papers. Israel then has its justification for more open attacks on Palestinian areas to stop the suicide bombers and round up the militants and they go further and further in their retaliation, destroying as much as they can.
Naturally, since these are military operations, the cameras are banned. If any atrocities happen to occur, there’s no proof. Palestinians are wounded or killed, their houses and cities are crushed, their government institutions are obliterated, and their leaders are humiliated. All that just perpetuates Palestinian rage and revenge attacks. But when Palestinians strike back at Israeli civilians with suicide bombings, these open attacks are used against them, both in the media and by the Israeli military, which launches devastating counterattacks where they do their dirty work in secret! The open attacks by Palestinians produce worse counterattacks by the Israelis and more secret destruction, which produce more open attacks by the Palestinians. So the vicious cycle goes on, and it’s one the Palestinians are losing, as they’re being ground down, humiliated.

Ted Rudow III, MA
Menlo Park, California, United States

The International Herald Tribune and The Daily Star are available every morning in: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman

Monday, January 11, 2010

The eagle

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The Daily Star

Your Right To Know
Tuesday, January 12, 2010



Monday, January 11, 2010Letters

The eagle

Ted Rudow, Menlo Park, CA
Like the old eagle that had been chained so long to a stake in the ground that he'd worn a rut in the ground from walking round and round. When his master finally decided to liberate and set him free, he took the metal ring off and tossed the eagle up into the air. But it just flip-flopped right back down to the ground, walked back over to the old rut and started walking around the rut again! -- No chain. No bird band. Just the old habit!

Help us to change the things that need to be changed, and not to change the things that don't need to be changed, and especially, help us to know the difference!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

American terrorists?

San Mateo Daily Journal

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Letter: American terrorists
January 09, 2010, 02:20 AM
They call them terrorists because the world hates terrorists and that word "terrorists," is a bad word. The funny thing is, while Americans are very worried and paranoid about terrorists doing something to harm their country, they are off occupying and destroying whole nations themselves, and leading the world down the path toward destruction.
It seems to me that people who kill others without proof of their guilt - or even without being sure who they are killing - are terrorists themselves. They are just highly paid assassins, using high-tech weaponry like the drones in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas. And such people often "speak lies in hypocrisy," accusing others of the very things which they themselves are guilty of.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Saturday, January 09, 2010

“The West must cut its terror ties”

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letters: News in letters published 09/01/2010
Readers’ Letters and Opinions
The Daily Star is pleased to provide a forum for debate on a range of subjects, from local cultural activities to international politics. 
Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of letters fall into the editor’s mailbox daily. In order to keep the letters timely, The Daily Star generally produces a special letters section. When the influx of letters is particularly large, extra space is made available accordingly.
If you would like to submit a letter for publication, please remember to include your full name (first and last) and address, including city. The Daily Star typically only publishes letters under 400 words, and these are subject to editing. The Daily Star will not acknowledge unsolicited submissions.
The Editorial
“The West must cut its terror ties”
January 6, 2010
They call them terrorists because the world hates terrorists and that word, “terrorists,” is a bad word. The funny thing is that while Americans are very worried and paranoid about terrorists doing something to harm their country, they’re off occupying and destroying whole nations themselves, and leading the world down the path toward destruction. 
It seems to me that people who kill others without proof of their guilt – or even without being sure who they’re killing – are terrorists themselves. They’re just highly paid assassins, using hi-tech weaponry like the drones in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas. 
And such people often “speak lies in hypocrisy,” accusing others of the very things which they themselves are guilty of.
Ted Rudow III, MA
United States

The International Herald Tribune and The Daily Star are available every morning in: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman

Friday, January 08, 2010

San Jose Mercury News
Palo Alto Daily News
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Peninsula readers' letters: Jan. 8

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From Daily News Group readers

Posted: 01/07/2010 10:38:32 PM PST
Updated: 01/07/2010 10:38:37 PM PST

Dear Editor: They call them terrorists because the world hates terrorists and that's a bad word. The funny thing is, while Americans are very worried and paranoid about terrorists doing something to harm their country, they're off occupying and destroying whole nations themselves, and leading the world down the path toward destruction.It seems to me that people who kill others without proof of their guilt — or even without being sure who they're killing — are terrorists themselves. They're just highly paid assassins, using high-tech weaponry like the drones in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas. And such people often accuse others of the very things they themselves are guilty of.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Tuesday Jan 5th, 2010 3:34 PM
They call them terrorists because the World hates terrorists and that word "terrorists", a bad word. The funny thing is, while Americans are very worried and paranoid about terrorists doing something to harm their country, they're off occupying and destroying whole nations themselves, and leading the world down the path toward destruction.

It seems to me that people who kill others without proof of their guilt-or even without being sure who they're killing-are terrorists themselves! They're just highly paid assassins, using hi-tech weaponry like the drones in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas. And such people often "speak lies in hypocrisy," accusing others of the very things which they themselves are guilty of!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, January 02, 2010

The eagle

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Rex Babin Cartoons


Ball Drop

Published: Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2009

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Like the old eagle that had been chained so long to a stake in the ground that he'd worn a rut in the ground from walking round and round. When his master finally decided to liberate and set him free, he took the metal ring off and tossed the eagle up into the air. But it just flip-flopped right back down to the ground, walked back over to the old rut and started walking around the rut again. No chain. No bird band. Just the old habit.

Help us to change the things that need to be changed, and not to change the things that don't need to be changed, and especially, help us to know the difference.
Ted Rudow III,MA

The eagle

San Jose Mercury News

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Peninsula readers' letters: Jan. 2

From Daily News Group readers

Posted: 01/01/2010 06:10:16 PM PST
Updated: 01/01/2010 06:10:17 PM PST

Old habits die hard

Dear Editor: Like the old eagle that had been chained so long to a stake in the ground that he'd worn a rut in the ground from walking round and round. When his master finally decided to liberate and set him free, he took the metal ring off and tossed the eagle up into the air. But it just flip-flopped right back down to the ground, walked back over to the old rut and started walking around the rut again. No chain. No bird band. Just the old habit.

Help us to change the things that need to be changed, and not to change the things that don't need to be changed, and especially, help us to know the difference.

Ted Rudow III,MA